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Chads News - 12th Sept 2024

 Dear Church Family,

It was wonderful to gather back as a church family last Sunday for Reset, such a joyful service
and lunch together. Over the summer we have looked at Sabbath and I hope that you have not
only had some rest, but also as the rhythms of life in the autumn set in, you have considered
ways to keep Sabbath as a key part of your life.

As we head into the autumn I hope and pray that the sense of joy amongst us on Sunday will
continue to mark our life together as a church family in the coming months. Our sermons on
Sundays from now until Christmas are going to focus on ‘Good News’. The heart of our faith is
the good news which begins with God’s character and is most fully expressed in what Jesus has
done for us. I am praying for lots of joy in our hearts and at the heart of St Chads in the coming
months. Joy is so much more than happiness (response to nice circumstances) it is the deep
rooted well-being of living in the goodness of God.

On Sunday we also had the chance to honour, thank and pray for Vicky and share with her the
generous gift which many from St Chads contributed to. Vicky was blown away by your generosity
and hugely grateful. With Vicky moving on, we are so grateful for the way God has called Sarah
(Baby Buddies), Dave (Just 4 Dads on Weds), Alys (Snowdrops) to take on leading
groups. Each one has a testimony of how the Holy Spirit has moved their hearts to step into this,
it’s been absolutely beautiful to see it happen! You’ll notice a few name changes to some of the
groups and a new ‘umbrella’ name for all our outreach groups for young families. Weds morning
will continue to be “Prammies’, but we felt that all the groups collectively needed a new name and
we’re excited by the collective name of ‘Mini Chadders’ for this whole group of weekly ministries.
Mini Chadders has a new Facebook profile so do check that out here and sign up to follow
all the groups together in one place.

There was a lot to share on Sunday and so this is a bumper edition of Chads News, with lots for
you to catch up on. We also shared the sad news last Sunday that David Bomford died on
Sunday 1st September, his funeral will be on Thursday 19th Sept at 2.30pm at St Chads. Also
sadly Rob Bucknall’s wife Christine died on Saturday 7th Sept. Do please pray for both families.
Read on – there’s lots to share with you!

with love,

For the latest Chads News in full click here.